Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Post-processing interface

This module contains the implementation of :class:`PostProcessing` the main
entry point for accessing OpenFOAM's ``postProcessing`` outputs.

  >>> post = PostProcessing() # In case directory
  >>> print("Available objects: ", post.keys())
  Available objects:  ['samples', 'samplePlanes', 'forceCoeffs1']
  >>> fcoeffs = post['forceCoeffs1']
  >>> #print details
  ... print(fcoeffs.magUInf, fcoeffs.liftDir, fcoeffs.dragDir)
  20 [0 0 1] [1 0 0]
  >>> # Get dataframe corresponding to `coefficient.dat`
  ... df = fcoeffs()
  ... print(df[['Cl', 'Cd']].head())
           Cl        Cd
  0  0.031805  0.003195
  1  0.078845  0.001883
  2  0.106916  0.001444
  3  0.106786  0.001842
  4  0.079757  0.002850
  >>> df.columns # show available columns
  Index(['Time', 'Cd', 'Cs', 'Cl', 'CmRoll', 'CmPitch', 'CmYaw', 'Cd(f)',
         'Cd(r)', 'Cs(f)', 'Cs(r)', 'Cl(f)', 'Cl(r)'],

import os
import logging
from pathlib import Path

from import ControlDict
from import CaelusDict
from .sampling import SampledSets, SampledSurfaces
from .forces import ForceCoeffs, Forces

_func_objects_list = [

_func_obj_map = {fobj.funcobj_type(): fobj for fobj in _func_objects_list}

_lgr = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PostProcessing: """Main entry point for accessing OpenFOAM ``postProcessing`` data.""" def __init__(self, casedir=None, func_dict=None): """ If the function object dictionary is not provided as an argument, the class will attempt to infer the functions activated in ``controlDict`` file. Args: casedir (path): Path to the case directory (default: cwd) func_dict (CaelusDict): Function objects dictionary """ #: Absolute path to the case directory self.casedir = Path(casedir or os.getcwd()) if func_dict is not None: #: Input dictionary for this function object = func_dict else: cdict = ControlDict.read_if_present(casedir=self.casedir) = cdict.functions or CaelusDict() fobj = {} for k, v in if not (self.root / k).exists(): _lgr.warning("Missing postProcessing entry for %s", k) continue ftype = v['type'] if ftype not in _func_obj_map:"Skipping function object: %s (%s)", k, ftype) continue fcls = _func_obj_map[ftype] fobj[k] = fcls(k, v, casedir=self.casedir) self.func_objects = fobj
[docs] def filter(self, func_type): """Retrieve function obects of a particular type. The filter method is used to select function objects of a certain ``type``. This is useful when the custom user-defined names might not correspond to the exact type of object. Currently supported: ``sets``, ``surfaces``, ``forces``, ``forceCoeffs``. Example: >>> fig = plt.figure() >>> for fcoeff in post.filter('forceCoeffs'): ... df = fcoeff('0') ... plt.plot(df['Time'], df['Cl']) Args: func_type (str): Type of function object Yields: FunctionObject: Function object instances """ if func_type not in _func_obj_map: raise ValueError( f"Invalid function type = '{func_type}'.\nValid types are:" "{_func_obj_map.keys()}") fcls = _func_obj_map[func_type] for val in self.func_objects.values(): if isinstance(val, fcls): yield val
@property def root(self): """Return path to the postProcessing directory.""" return self.casedir / "postProcessing"
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the names of the function objects""" return list(self.func_objects.keys())
def __getitem__(self, key): """Get the function object interface corresponding to the key.""" return self.func_objects[key]