Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Caelus Log Analyzer

This module provides utilities to parse and extract information from solver
outputs (log files) that can be used to monitor and analyze the convergence of
runs. It implements the :class:`SolverLog` class that can be used to access
time histories of residuals for various fields of interest.

    >>> logs = SolverLog()
    >>> print ("Available fields: ", logs.fields)
    >>> ux_residuals = logs.residual("Ux")

The actual extraction of the logs is performed by :class:`LogProcessor` which
uses regular expressions to match lines of interest and convert them into
tabular files suitable for loading with ``numpy.loadtxt`` or

import os
from os.path import join
from collections import OrderedDict
import json

import numpy as np

from ..utils import osutils
from ..utils.coroutines import coroutine, grep

[docs]class LogProcessor(object): """Process the log file and extract information for analysis. This is a low-level utility to parse log files and extract information using regular expressions from the log file. Users should interact with solver output using the :class:`SolverLog` class. """ # Regular expressions that match common lines of interest in a CML solver # output expressions = dict( time=r"^Time = (\S+)", courant=r"^Courant Number mean: (\S+) max: (\S+)", residual=r"(\S+): *Solving for (\S+), Initial residual = (\S+), Final residual = (\S+), No Iterations (\S+)", bounding=r"^bounding (\S+), min:\s*(\S+)\s+max:\s*(\S+)\s+average:\s*(\S+)", continuity=r"time step continuity errors : sum local = (\S+), global = (\S+), cumulative = (\S+)", exec_time=r"ExecutionTime = (\S+) s ClockTime = (\S+) s", convergence=r"(\S+) solution converged in (\S+) iterations", completion=r"^End$", ) def __init__(self, logfile, case_dir=None, logs_dir="logs"): """ Args: logfile (str): Name of the Caelus log file casedir (path): Path to the case directory (default: cwd) logs_dir (path): Relative path to the directory where logs are written """ #: Absolute path to the case directory self.case_dir = case_dir or os.getcwd() #: Absolute path to the directory containing processed logs self.logs_dir = osutils.ensure_directory( join(self.case_dir, logs_dir)) #: User-supplied log file (relative to case directory) self.logfile = join(self.case_dir, logfile) #: Track the latest time that was processed by the utility self.time = 0.0 #: Time as a string (for output) self.time_str = "0" #: (variable, subIteration) pairs tracking the number of predictor #: subIterations for each flow variable self.subiter_map = {} #: Open file handles for the residual outputs self.res_files = OrderedDict() #: Open file handles for bounding outputs self.bound_files = OrderedDict() #: List of user-defined rules to process self._user_rules = [] #: Extra actions for pre-defined expressions self._extra_rules = {} #: Flag indicating convergence message in logs self.converged = False #: Flag indicating solver completion in logs (if End is found) self.solve_completed = False #: Timestep when the steady state solver converged self.converged_time = -1 #: Flag indicating one timestep self._tick = False def __call__(self): """Process log file""" pat_builtin = [grep(*x) for x in self._init_builtins()] patterns = pat_builtin + self._user_rules self._process_file(patterns) self._save_state()
[docs] def watch_file(self, target=None, wait_time=0.1): """Process a log file for an in-progress run. This method takes one parameter, ``target``, a coroutine that is called at the end of every timestep. See :class:`` for an example of using target to plot residuals for monitoring the run. Args: target (coroutine): A consumer acting on the data wait_time (seconds): Wait time between checking the log file for updates """ import time pat_builtin = [grep(*x) for x in self._init_builtins()] patterns = pat_builtin + self._user_rules with open(self.logfile) as fh: while not self.solve_completed: line = fh.readline() if not line: time.sleep(wait_time) elif line.strip(): for pat in patterns: pat.send(line) if self._tick and target is not None: target.send(self.solve_completed) self._tick = False if self.solve_completed: self._save_state()
[docs] def add_rule(self, regexp, actions): """Add a user-defined rule for processing Args: regexp (str): A string that can be compiled into a regexp action (func): A coroutine that can consume matching patterns """ act_list = actions if hasattr(actions, "append") else [actions] self._user_rules.append( grep(regexp, act_list))
[docs] def extend_rule(self, line_type, actions): """Extend a pre-defined regexp with extra functions The default action for LogProcessor is to output processed lines into files. Additional actions on pre-defined lines (e.g., "time") can be hooked via this method. Args: line_type (str): Pre-defined line type actions (list): A list of coroutines that receive the matching lines """ act_list = actions if hasattr(actions, "append") else [actions] if line_type not in self.expressions: raise RuntimeError("No pre-defined line type: %s"%line_type) self._extra_rules.setdefault(line_type, []).extend(act_list)
def _init_builtins(self): """Helper function to initialize builtin patterns""" for k, rexp in self.expressions.items(): func = getattr(self, "%s_processor"%k)() yield (rexp, [func] + self._extra_rules.get(k, [])) def _process_file(self, patterns): """Helper function to process logs of a completed run""" with open(self.logfile) as fh: for line in fh: for pat in patterns: pat.send(line) @property def current_state(self): """Return the current state of the logs processor""" curr_state = dict( # case_dir=os.path.relpath(self.case_dir, self.logs_dir), # logfile=os.path.relpath(self.logfile, self.logs_dir), time=self.time, converged=self.converged, solve_completed=self.solve_completed, converged_time=self.converged_time, fields=list(self.res_files.keys()), bounding_fields=list(self.bound_files.keys())) return curr_state def _save_state(self, filename=".logs_state.json"): """Save state of the logs for future introspection""" curr_state = self.current_state with open(join(self.logs_dir, filename), 'w') as fh: json.dump(curr_state, fh)
[docs] @coroutine def time_processor(self): """Processor for the Time line in log files""" while True: rexp = (yield) self.time = float( self.time_str = # Reset subIteration counters for k in self.subiter_map: self.subiter_map[k] = 0 self._tick = False
[docs] @coroutine def residual_processor(self): """Process a residual line and output data to the relevant file.""" def get_file(field, solver): """Helper method to get the file handle for a field. On first invocation, it creates the file with headers. On subsequent invocations it just returns the relevant file handle. """ if not field in self.res_files: fh = open(join(self.logs_dir, field+".dat"), 'w') fh.write("# Field: %s; Solver: %s\n"%(field, solver)) fh.write("Time SubIteration InitialResidual FinalResidual NoIterations\n") self.res_files[field] = fh return self.res_files[field] # end get_file try: while True: rexp = (yield) solver = # e.g., PCB, GAMG, etc. field = # Ux, Uy, p, etc. icorr = self.subiter_map.get(field, 0) + 1 self.subiter_map[field] = icorr fh = get_file(field, solver) fh.write( self.time_str + "\t%d\t"%icorr + "\t".join([ for i in range(3, 6)]) + "\n") except GeneratorExit: for fh in self.res_files.values(): if not fh.closed: fh.close()
[docs] @coroutine def bounding_processor(self): """Process the bounding lines""" def get_file(field): """Helper method to get the file handle for a field. On first invocation, it creates the file with headers. On subsequent invocations it just returns the relevant file handle. """ if not field in self.bound_files: fh = open(join(self.logs_dir, "bounding_"+field+".dat"), 'w') fh.write("# Bounding Field: %s\n"%(field)) fh.write("Time SubIteration Min Max Average\n") self.bound_files[field] = fh return self.bound_files[field] # end get_file try: while True: rexp = (yield) field = icorr = self.subiter_map.get(field, 0) fh = get_file(field) fh.write( self.time_str + "\t%d\t"%icorr + "\t".join( for i in range(2, 5)) + "\n") except GeneratorExit: for fh in self.bound_files.values(): if not fh.closed: fh.close()
[docs] @coroutine def continuity_processor(self): """Process continuity error lines from log file""" with open(join(self.logs_dir, "continuity_errors.dat"), 'w') as fh: fh.write("Time SubIteration LocalError GlobalError CumulativeError\n") while True: rexp = (yield) icorr = self.subiter_map.get('continuity', 0) + 1 self.subiter_map['continuity'] = icorr fh.write( self.time_str + "\t%d\t"%icorr + "\t".join(x for x in rexp.groups()) + "\n")
[docs] @coroutine def exec_time_processor(self): """Process execution/clock time lines""" with open(join(self.logs_dir, "clock_time.dat"), 'w') as fh: fh.write("Time ExecutionTime ClockTime\n") while True: rexp = (yield) fh.write(self.time_str + "\t" + "\t".join(x for x in rexp.groups()) + "\n") self._tick = True
[docs] @coroutine def courant_processor(self): """Process Courant Number lines""" with open(join(self.logs_dir, "courant.dat"), 'w') as fh: fh.write("Time CoMean CoMax\n") while True: rexp = (yield) fh.write(self.time_str + "\t" + "\t".join(x for x in rexp.groups()) + "\n")
[docs] @coroutine def convergence_processor(self): """Process convergence information (steady solvers only)""" while True: rexp = (yield) self.converged = True self.converged_time = int(
[docs] @coroutine def completion_processor(self): """Process End line indicating solver completion""" while True: _ = (yield) self.solve_completed = True
[docs]class SolverLog(object): """Caelus solver log file interface. :class:`SolverLog` extracts information from solver outputs and allows interaction with the log data as ``numpy.ndarray`` or ``pandas.Dataframe`` objects. """ def __init__(self, case_dir=None, logs_dir="logs", force_reload=False, logfile=None): """ Args: case_dir (path): Absolute path to case directory logs_dir (path): Path to logs directory relative to case_dir force_reload (bool): If True, force reread of the log file even if the logs were processed previously. logfile (file): If force_reload, then log file to process Raises: RuntimeError: An error is raised if no logs directory is available and the user has not provided a logfile that can be processed on the fly during initialization. """ self.casedir = case_dir or os.getcwd() self.logs_dir = os.path.join(self.casedir, logs_dir) has_logs = os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.logs_dir, ".logs_state.json")) if not has_logs and logfile is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find processed logs data. " "Provide a valid log file.") if force_reload or not has_logs: logs = LogProcessor(logfile, self.casedir, logs_dir) logs() self.fields = [] self.bounding_fields = [] data = json.load(open( os.path.join(self.logs_dir, ".logs_state.json"))) for key, val in data.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
[docs] def residual(self, field, all_cols=False): """Return the residual time-history for a field""" if field not in self.fields: raise KeyError("Invalid field name: %s. Valid fields are: %s"% (field, self.fields)) fname = os.path.join(self.logs_dir, field+".dat") data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2) return data if all_cols else data[:, :3]
[docs] def bounding_var(self, field): """Return the bounding information for a field""" if field not in self.bounding_fields: raise KeyError("Invalid field name: %s. Valid fields are: %s"% (field, self.bounding_fields)) fname = os.path.join(self.logs_dir, "bounding_"+field+".dat") data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=2) return data
[docs] def continuity_errors(self): """Return the time history of continuity errors""" fname = os.path.join(self.logs_dir, "continuity_errors.dat") data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1) return data