Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position

Caelus Plotting Utilities

This module provides the capability to plot various quantities of interest
using matplotlib through :class:`CaelusPlot`.

import os
import logging
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict

import six
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from .logs import SolverLog
from ..utils import osutils
from ..utils import coroutines
from .logs import LogProcessor

_lgr = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def mpl_settings(backend="agg"): """Temporarily switch matplotlib settings for a plot""" cur_backend = plt.get_backend() if cur_backend.lower() != backend.lower(): plt.switch_backend(backend) yield plt.switch_backend(cur_backend)
[docs]def make_plot_method(func): """Make a wrapper plot method""" def plot_wrapper(self, plotfile=None, dpi=300, **kwargs): """%s plotfile: File to save plot (e.g., residuals.png) dpi: Resolution for saving plots (default=300) """ if plotfile: osutils.ensure_directory(self.plotdir) with mpl_settings("agg"): out = func(self, **kwargs) if out is None: return outfile = os.path.join(self.plotdir, plotfile) plt.savefig(outfile, dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')"Saved figure: %s", outfile) plt.close() else: return func(self, **kwargs) plot_wrapper.__doc__ = plot_wrapper.__doc__%func.__doc__ return plot_wrapper
[docs]class PlotsMeta(type): """Provide interactive and non-interactive versions of plot methods. This metaclass automatically wraps methods starting with ``_plot`` such that these methods can be used in both interactive and non-interactive modes. Non-interactive modes are automatically enabled if the user provides a file name to save the resulting figure. """ def __new__(mcls, name, bases, cdict): keys = list(cdict.keys()) for key in keys: if key.startswith("_plot_"): cdict[key[1:]] = make_plot_method(cdict[key]) cls = super(PlotsMeta, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, cdict) return cls
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(PlotsMeta) class CaelusPlot(object): """Caelus Data Plotting Interface Currently implemented: - Plot residual time history - Plot convergence of forces and force coeffcients """ def __init__(self, casedir=None, plotdir="results"): """ Args: casedir (path): Path to the case directory plotdir (path): Directory where figures are saved """ #: Path to the case directory self.casedir = casedir or os.getcwd() #: Path to plots output directory self.plotdir = os.path.join(self.casedir, plotdir) #: Instance of :class:`` self.solver_log = None #: Flag indicating whether continuity errors are plotted along with #: residuals self.plot_continuity_errors = False def _plot_residuals_hist(self, fields=None): """Plot time-history of residuals for a Caelus run Args: fields (list): Plot residuals only for the fields in this list """ if self.solver_log is None: self.solver_log = SolverLog(self.casedir) logf = self.solver_log fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Residuals') field_list = fields or logf.fields for field in field_list: res = logf.residual(field) # We only want initial residuals (iter = 1) idx = res[:, 1] == 1 ax.plot(res[idx, 0], res[idx, 2], label=field) if self.plot_continuity_errors: cerrs = logf.continuity_errors() idx = cerrs[:, 1] == 1 ax.plot(cerrs[idx, 0], np.abs(cerrs[idx, 2]), label="continuity") ax.grid(True) plt.legend() return (fig, ax) def _force_plot_helper(self, func_object, filename, ylabels): root = os.path.join(self.casedir, "postProcessing", func_object) times = os.listdir(root) if not times: _lgr.error("Cannot find '%s' data for plotting.", func_object) return None fpath = os.path.join(root, times[-1], filename) force_hist = np.loadtxt(fpath) # Extract time from the numpy array time = force_hist[:, 0] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, sharex=True) for i, (ax, ylabel) in enumerate(zip(axes, ylabels)): ax.plot(time, force_hist[:, (3-i)]) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.grid(True) if ax.is_last_row(): ax.set_xlabel("Time") return (fig, axes) def _plot_force_coeffs_hist(self, func_object="forceCoeffs"): """Plot force coefficients Args: func_object (str): The function object used in controlDict """ ylabels = ["$C_l$", "$C_d$", "$C_m$"] return self._force_plot_helper( func_object, "forceCoeffs.dat", ylabels) def _plot_forces_hist(self, func_object="forces"): """Plot forces Args: func_object (str): The function object used in controlDict """ ylabels = ["Lift", "Drag", "Moment"] return self._force_plot_helper( func_object, "forces.dat", ylabels)
[docs]class LogWatcher(object): """Real-time log monitoring utility""" def __init__(self, logfile, case_dir=None): """ Args: logfile (str): Name of the Caelus log file casedir (path): Path to the case directory (default: cwd) """ self.logprocessor = LogProcessor(logfile, case_dir) # Flag indicating new data is available for plot updates self._needs_update = False #: List of fields to plot. If None, plots all available fields self.plot_fields = [] #: List of fields to skip. If None, plots all available fields self.skip_fields = [] #: Time array used for plotting data self.time_array = None #: Dictionary containing fields requested for plotting and data #: extracted from log file so far self._field_data = OrderedDict() # Flag for initialization self._need_init = True # Flag indicating whether continuity errors are plotted self.plot_continuity_errors = False def __call__(self): """Run the residual watcher""" # Register time and residual consumers with LogProcessor self.logprocessor.extend_rule( "time", self.time_processor()) self.logprocessor.extend_rule( "residual", self.residual_processor()) if self.plot_continuity_errors: self.logprocessor.extend_rule( "continuity", self.continuity_processor()) with warnings.catch_warnings(): # Quell warning issued by matplotlib during the first timestep for # axis limits warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning) self.logprocessor.watch_file(self.plot_residuals()) six.moves.input("Run has completed. Hit <Enter> to quit: ") plt.close()
[docs] def skip_field(self, field): """Helper function to determine if field must be processed""" if field in self.skip_fields: return True elif not self.plot_fields: return False elif field in self.plot_fields: return False return True
[docs] @coroutines.coroutine def time_processor(self): """Capture time array""" logp = self.logprocessor while True: _ = (yield) if self.time_array is None: self.time_array = np.array([logp.time]) else: self.time_array = np.r_[self.time_array, logp.time] self._needs_update = False
[docs] @coroutines.coroutine def residual_processor(self): """Capture residuals for plot updates""" logp = self.logprocessor while True: rexp = (yield) field = icorr = logp.subiter_map[field] if not self.skip_field(field) and icorr == 1: value = float( if field not in self._field_data: self._field_data[field] = np.array([value]) else: data = self._field_data[field] data = np.r_[data, value] self._field_data[field] = data self._needs_update = True
[docs] @coroutines.coroutine def continuity_processor(self): """Capture continuity errors for plot updates""" key = 'continuity' logp = self.logprocessor while True: rexp = (yield) icorr = logp.subiter_map[key] if icorr == 1: value = np.abs(float( if key not in self._field_data: self._field_data[key] = np.array([value]) else: data = self._field_data[key] data = np.r_[data, value] self._field_data[key] = data self._needs_update = True
[docs] @coroutines.coroutine def plot_residuals(self): """Update plot for residuals""" logp = self.logprocessor self._need_init = True fig = plt.figure() ax = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name lines = {} fields = None title_str = "Case = %s; timestep = %%d"%( os.path.basename(logp.case_dir)) tstep = 0 while True: _ = (yield) tarr = self.time_array tstep += 1 if not self._needs_update: continue if not self._need_init: for key, val in self._field_data.items(): line = lines[key] line.set_data(tarr, val) ax.relim() ax.autoscale_view() plt.legend(fields) plt.title(title_str%tstep) fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() plt.pause(0.00001) else: self._need_init = False plt.interactive(True) fields = self._field_data.keys() ax = plt.subplot(111) ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\log$(residual)") ax.set_xlabel("Time/Iterations") plt.grid() for key, val in self._field_data.items(): line, = ax.plot(tarr, val) lines[key] = line plt.pause(0.00001)