Source code for caelus.utils.osutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Miscellaneous utilities

This module implements functions that are utilized throughout CPL. They mostly
provide a higher-level interface to various ``os.path`` functions to make it
easier to perform some tasks.

.. autosummary::


import os
import fnmatch
import shutil
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager
import pytz

_lgr = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def ostype(): """String indicating the operating system type Returns: str: One of ["linux", "darwin", "windows"] """ return ("windows" if == 'nt' else os.uname()[0].lower())
[docs]def timestamp(time_format=None, time_zone=pytz.utc): """Return a formatted timestamp for embedding in files Args: time_format: A time formatter suitable for strftime time_zone: Time zone used to generate timestamp (Default: UTC) Returns: str: A formatted time string """ time_fmt = time_format or "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S (%Z)" return
[docs]def backup_file(fname, time_format=None, time_zone=pytz.utc): """Given a filename return a timestamp based backup filename Args: time_format: A time formatter suitable for strftime time_zone: Time zone used to generate timestamp (Default: UTC) Returns: str: A timestamped filename suitable for creating backups """ bname = os.path.basename(fname) name, ext = os.path.splitext(bname) time_fmt = time_format or "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S-%Z" tstamp = bak_name = name + "_" + tstamp + ext return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), bak_name)
[docs]def username(): """Return the username of the current user""" import getpass return getpass.getuser()
[docs]def user_home_dir(): """Return the absolute path of the user's home directory""" try: path = os.path.expanduser("~") except ImportError: pass else: if os.path.isdir(path): return path for envvar in "HOME USERPROFILE".split(): path = os.environ.get(envvar) if path is not None and os.path.isdir(path): return path return None
[docs]def abspath(pname): """Return the absolute path of the directory. This function expands the user home directory as well as any shell variables found in the path provided and returns an absolute path. Args: pname (path): Pathname to be expanded Returns: path: Absolute path after all substitutions """ pth1 = os.path.expanduser(pname) pth2 = os.path.expandvars(pth1) return os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(pth2))
[docs]def ensure_directory(dname): """Check if directory exists, if not, create it. Args: dname (path): Directory name to check for Returns: Path: Absolute path to the directory """ abs_dir = abspath(dname) if not os.path.exists(abs_dir): os.makedirs(abs_dir) return abs_dir
[docs]@contextmanager def set_work_dir(dname, create=False): """A with-block to execute code in a given directory. Args: dname (path): Path to the working directory. create (bool): If true, directory is created prior to execution Returns: path: Absolute path to the execution directory Example: >>> with osutils.set_work_dir("results_dir", create=True) as wdir: ... with open(os.path.join(wdir, "results.dat"), 'w') as fh: ... fh.write("Data") """ abs_dir = abspath(dname) if create: ensure_directory(abs_dir) orig_dir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(abs_dir) yield abs_dir finally: os.chdir(orig_dir)
[docs]def clean_directory(dirname, preserve_patterns=None): """Utility function to remove files and directories from a given directory. User can specify a list of filename patterns to preserve with the ``preserve_patterns`` argument. These patterns can contain shell wildcards to glob multiple files. Args: dirname (path): Absolute path to the directory whose entries are purged. preserve_patterns (list): A list of shell wildcard patterns """ _lgr.debug("Removing files in directory: %s", dirname) ppatterns = preserve_patterns or [] with set_work_dir(dirname) as wdir: for fpath in os.listdir(wdir): is_preserve = False for pp in ppatterns: if fnmatch.fnmatch(fpath, pp): is_preserve = True break if is_preserve: continue if os.path.isdir(fpath): shutil.rmtree(fpath) elif os.path.isfile(fpath) or os.path.islink(fpath): os.remove(fpath)
[docs]def remove_files_dirs(paths, basedir=None): """Remove files and/or directories Args: paths (list): A list of file paths to delete (no patterns allowed) basedir (path): Base directory to search """ wdir = basedir or os.getcwd() with set_work_dir(wdir): for fpath in paths: if os.path.exists(fpath): if os.path.isdir(fpath): shutil.rmtree(fpath) elif os.path.isfile(fpath) or os.path.islink(fpath): os.remove(fpath)
[docs]def copy_tree(srcdir, destdir, symlinks=False, ignore_func=None): """Enchanced version of shutil.copytree - removes the output directory if it already exists. Args: srcdir (path): path to source directory to be copied. destdir (path): path (or new name) of destination directory. symlinks (bool): as in shutil.copytree ignore_func (func): as in shutil.copytree """ if os.path.exists(destdir): shutil.rmtree(destdir) shutil.copytree(srcdir, destdir, symlinks, ignore_func)