Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=invalid-name, protected-acess, bare-except

CML Simulation

This module defines :class:`CMLSimulation` that provides a pythonic interface
to detail with a CML case directory. In addition to implementing methods to
perform actions, it also tracks the state of the analysis at any given time.

The module also provides an abstract interface :class:`CMLSimCollection` that
provides basic infrastructure to manage and manipulate a collection of
simulations as a group.

import os
import logging
from collections import Mapping
import json
import fnmatch
import abc
import six

import numpy as np

from ..config import cmlenv
from ..utils import osutils
from ..utils.tojson import JSONSerializer
from import SolverLog
from import CaelusDict
from import dictfile as cmlio
from . import core as rcore
from . import tasks
from .cmd import CaelusCmd

_lgr = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CMLSimMeta(type): """Decorator to add dictfile accessors to CMLSimulation""" def __init__(cls, name, bases, cdict): super(CMLSimMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, cdict) if "_dictfile_attrs" in cdict: cls.add_dictfile_attrs(cdict["_dictfile_attrs"])
[docs] def add_dictfile_attrs(cls, attrmap): """Create getters for dictionary file objects""" for key, value in attrmap.items(): cls.process_attr(key, value)
[docs] def process_attr(cls, key, value): """Create the attribute""" doc = "Return %s instance for this case"%key varname = "_"+key def getter(self): if hasattr(self, varname): return getattr(self, varname) obj = value.read_if_present(casedir=self.casedir) self._dicts_accessed.append(obj) setattr(self, varname, obj) return obj setattr(cls, key, property(getter, doc=doc))
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(CMLSimMeta) class CMLSimulation(JSONSerializer): """Pythonic interface to CML/OpenFOAM simulation This class defines the notion of an analysis. It provides methods to interact with an analysis directory from within python, and provides basic infrastructure to track the status of the simulation. After successful :meth:`setup`, the simulation moves through a series of stages, that can be queried via :meth:`status` method: =========== ================================================= Status Description =========== ================================================= Setup Case setup successfully Prepped Pre-processing completed Submitted Solver initialized Running Solver is running Solved Solve has completed DONE Post-processing completed FAILED Some action failed =========== ================================================= """ _dictfile_attrs = cmlio.cml_std_files _json_public_ = ("name run_config run_flags " "_solver _logfile " "job_ids ".split()) #: Name of the task file for this case task_file = "caelus_tasks.yaml" def __init__(self, case_name, cml_env=None, basedir=None, parent=None): """ Args: case_name (str): Unique identifier for the case env (CMLEnv): CML environment used to setup/run the case basedir (path): Location where the case is located/created parent (CMLSimCollection): Instance of the group manager """ #: CML environment used to run this case self.env = cml_env or cmlenv.cml_get_version() #: Unique name for this case = case_name #: Root directory containing the case self.basedir = osutils.abspath(basedir) if basedir else os.getcwd() #: Absolute path to the case directory self.casedir = os.path.join(self.basedir, #: Instance of CMLSimCollection if part of a larger set self.parent = parent #: Keep track of files accessed self._dicts_accessed = [] #: Dictionary containing run configuration (internal use only) self.run_config = CaelusDict() #: Dictionary tracking status (internal use only) self.run_flags = CaelusDict( updated=False, prepped=False, solve_submitted=False, solve_completed=False, post_done=False, failed=False ) #: Job IDs for SLURM/PBS jobs (internal use only) self.job_ids = []
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, env=None, casedir=None, parent=None, json_file=None): """Loads a previously setup case from persistence file""" cdir = osutils.abspath(casedir) if casedir else os.getcwd() jfile = json_file or cls.json_file() jfile = osutils.abspath(os.path.join(cdir, jfile)) data = json.load(open(jfile), object_pairs_hook=CaelusDict) self = cls.__new__(cls) self.env = env or cmlenv.cml_get_version() self.casedir = cdir self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.casedir) self.parent = parent self._dicts_accessed = [] for k in self._json_public_: setattr(self, k, data.get(k, None)) return self
[docs] def clone(self, template_dir, copy_polymesh=True, copy_zero=True, copy_scripts=True, extra_patterns=None, clean_if_present=False): """Create the case directory from a given template Args: template_dir (path): Case directory to be cloned copy_polymesh (bool): Copy contents of constant/polyMesh to new case copy_zero (bool): Copy time=0 directory to new case copy_scripts (bool): Copy python and YAML files extra_patterns (list): List of shell wildcard patterns for copying clean_if_present (bool): Overwrite existing case Raises: IOError: If ``casedir`` exists and ``clean_if_present`` is False """ if osutils.path_exists(self.casedir) and not clean_if_present: raise IOError("Refusing to overwrite existing case: %s", self.casedir) rcore.clone_case(self.casedir, template_dir, copy_polymesh, copy_zero, copy_scripts, extra_patterns)
[docs] def clean(self, preserve_extra=None, preserve_polymesh=True, preserve_zero=True, preserve_times=False, preserve_processors=False): """Clean an existing case directory. Args: preserve_extra (list): List of shell wildcard patterns to preserve preserve_polymesh (bool): If False, purges polyMesh directory preserve_zero (bool): If False, removes the 0 directory preserve_times (bool): If False, removes the time directories preserve_processors (bool): If False, removes processor directories """ rcore.clean_casedir( self.casedir, preserve_extra=preserve_extra, preserve_zero=preserve_zero, preserve_times=preserve_times, preserve_processors=preserve_processors, purge_mesh=(not preserve_polymesh))
[docs] def update(self, input_mods=None): """Update the input files within a case directory Args: input_mods (CaelusDict): Dictionary with changes """ with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): if input_mods is not None: self._update_input_files(input_mods) elif hasattr(self.run_config, "change_inputs"): self._update_input_files(self.run_config.change_inputs) self._write_modified_files() # Mark as updated, and possibly needs to be re-prepped self.run_flags.updated = True self.run_flags.prepped = False
[docs] def prep_case(self, prep_tasks=None, force=False): """Execute pre-processing tasks for this case If not tasks are provided, then uses the section ``prep`` from ``run_configuration`` that was passed during the setup phase. Args: prep_tasks (list): List of tasks for Tasks force (bool): Force prep again if already run """ if self.run_flags.prepped and not force: _lgr.warning("%s: Detected previous prep, skipping", return if not self.run_flags.updated: self.update()"Executing post-processing tasks for case: %s", tasklist = prep_tasks or self.run_config.get("prep", None) try: if tasklist: ctasks = tasks.Tasks() ctasks.tasks = tasklist ctasks(case_dir=self.casedir, env=self.env) # Decompose the case if necessary self.decompose_case(ctasks.dep_job_id, force) self.run_flags.prepped = True except: _lgr.exception("Error encountered during prep for %s", self.run_flags.failed = True
[docs] def decompose_case(self, dep_job_id=None, force=False): """Decompose case if necessary Args: dep_job_id (int): Job ID to wait for force (bool): Force rerun of decomposition tasks """ num_ranks = self.run_config.get("num_ranks", 1) if num_ranks < 2: return num_proc_dirs = rcore.get_mpi_size(self.casedir) if (num_ranks != num_proc_dirs) or force: with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): decomp = self.decomposeParDict decomp.numberOfSubdomains = num_ranks decomp.write() cml_cmd = CaelusCmd( "decomposePar", casedir=self.casedir, cml_env=self.env, output_file="decomposePar.log") cml_cmd.cml_exe_args = "-force""Decomposing case: %s", job_dep = [dep_job_id] if dep_job_id else None status = cml_cmd(job_dependencies=job_dep) if cml_cmd.job_id: self.job_ids.append(cml_cmd.job_id) if status != 0: _lgr.fatal("Error encountered during decomposePar for: %s", self.run_flags.failed = True
[docs] def solve(self, force=False): """Execute solve for this case Args: force (bool): Force resubmit even if previously submitted """ rflags = self.run_flags if rflags.solve_submitted and not force:"%s: Detected previous solve, skipping", return if not rflags.prepped: self.prep_case() solve_opts = self.run_config.get("solve", None) if not solve_opts: raise KeyError("Cannot find solve settings for case: %s"% status = 0 if isinstance(solve_opts, (list,)): for sopt in solve_opts: solvstat = self._run_solver(sopt) status = max(solvstat, status) elif isinstance(solve_opts, Mapping): status = self._run_solver(solve_opts) else: sopt = dict( solver=solve_opts, solver_args="") status = self._run_solver(sopt) if status == 0: self.run_flags.solve_submitted = True
def _run_solver(self, sopts): """Helper method to run the solver""" dep_job_id = self.job_ids[-1] if self.job_ids else None self.solver = sopts["solver"] log_file = sopts.get("log_file", None) if log_file is not None: self._logfile = log_file solver_args = sopts.get("solver_args", "") cml_cmd = CaelusCmd( self.solver, casedir=self.casedir, cml_env=self.env, output_file=log_file) cml_cmd.cml_exe_args = solver_args cml_cmd.num_mpi_ranks = self.run_config.get("num_ranks", 1) cml_cmd.mpi_extra_args = self.run_config.get( "mpi_extra_args", "") if "queue_settings" in self.run_config: cml_cmd.runner.update(self.run_config["queue_settings"])"Submitting solver (%s) for case: %s", self.solver, status = cml_cmd(job_dependencies=dep_job_id) if cml_cmd.job_id: self.job_ids.append(cml_cmd.job_id) if status != 0: _lgr.error("Error encountered running %s for: %s", self.solver, self.run_flags.failed = True return status
[docs] def post_case(self, post_tasks=None, force=False): """Execute post-processing tasks for this case""" if self.run_flags.post_done and not force:"%s: Detected previous post-processing, skipping", return if not self.run_flags.solve_submitted: _lgr.warning("%s: No previous solve detected, skipping post", return clog = self.case_log() if clog is None: _lgr.warning("%s: Solve has not started, skipping post", return if not clog.solve_completed: _lgr.warning("%s: Solve was not completed, skipping post", return"Executing post-processing tasks for case: %s", self.run_flags.solve_completed = clog.solve_completed self.reconstruct_case() tasklist = post_tasks or self.run_config.get("post", None) try: if tasklist: ctasks = tasks.Tasks() ctasks.tasks = tasklist ctasks(case_dir=self.casedir, env=self.env) self.run_flags.post_done = True except: _lgr.exception("Error occurred during post for: %s", self.run_flags.failed = True
[docs] def reconstruct_case(self): """Reconstruct a parallel case""" rconf = self.run_config num_ranks = rconf.get("num_ranks", 1) dorecon = rconf.get("reconstruct_case", False) if dorecon and (num_ranks > 1):"Reconstructing parallel run in case: %s", cml_cmd = CaelusCmd( "reconstructPar", casedir=self.casedir, cml_env=self.env, output_file="reconstructPar.log") cml_cmd.cml_exe_args = "-latestTime""Reconstructing case: %s", status = cml_cmd(job_dependencies=None) if status != 0: _lgr.fatal("Error encountered during reconstruction") self.run_flags.failed = True
[docs] def status(self): """Determine status of the run Returns: str: Status of the run as a string """ run_flags = self.run_flags status_list = """failed post completed running submitted prep setup""".split() status_names = """FAILED DONE Solved Running Submitted Prepped Setup""".split() status_flags = {} for k in status_list: status_flags[k] = False status_flags["post"] = run_flags["post_done"] status_flags["prep"] = run_flags["prepped"] status_flags["setup"] = run_flags["updated"] status_flags["submitted"] = run_flags["solve_submitted"] status_flags["failed"] = run_flags["failed"] if (not status_flags["failed"] and status_flags["submitted"] and not status_flags["completed"]): try: clog = self.case_log() if clog is not None: if clog.solve_completed: run_flags["solve_completed"] = clog.solve_completed status_flags["completed"] = clog.solve_completed elif clog.failed: status_flags["failed"] = True status_flags["running"] = False status_flags["completed"] = False else: status_flags["running"] = True except: status_flags["running"] = False status_flags["completed"] = False status_flags["failed"] = True for i, k in enumerate(status_list): if status_flags[k]: return status_names[i]
def _update_input_files(self, input_mods): """Internal function to update input files""""Updating input files for %s", for fname, mods in input_mods.items(): if hasattr(self, fname): obj = getattr(self, fname) obj.merge(mods) else: obj = self.get_input_dict(fname) def _write_modified_files(self): """Helper function to write out modifications""""Saving modified files for %s", for obj in self._dicts_accessed:"Updating %s/%s",, obj.filename) obj.write() @property def solver(self): """Return the solver used for this case""" return getattr(self, "_solver", None) @solver.setter def solver(self, value): setattr(self, "_solver", value) @property def logfile(self): """The log file for the solver""" logname = None if getattr(self, "_logfile", None): logname = getattr(self, "_logfile") elif self.solver is not None: logname = "%s.log"%self.solver else: raise ValueError("Cannot determine log file for case: %s"% setattr(self, "_logfile", logname) return self._logfile @logfile.setter def logfile(self, value): setattr(self, "_logfile", value)
[docs] def case_log(self, force_reload=False): """Return a SolverLog instance for this case""" if hasattr(self, "_logs") and not force_reload: return getattr(self, "_logs") logfile = os.path.join(self.casedir, self.logfile) if not osutils.path_exists(logfile): return None with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): clog = SolverLog( case_dir=self.casedir, force_reload=force_reload, logfile=self.logfile) setattr(self, "_logs", clog) return clog
[docs] def run_tasks(self, task_file=None): """Run tasks within case directory using the tasks file""" tfile = task_file or self.task_file if not osutils.path_exists(tfile): raise IOError("Cannot file task file for case: %s" with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): ctasks = tasks.Tasks.load(tfile) ctasks(env=self.env)
[docs] def get_input_dict(self, dictname): """Return a CPL instance of the input file For standard input files, prefer to use the accessors directly instead of this method. For example, case.controlDict, case.turbulenceProperties, etc. Args: dictname (str): File name relative to case directory """ with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): cdict = cmlio.DictFile.load(dictname) self._dicts_accessed.append(cdict) return cdict
[docs] def save_state(self, **kwargs): """Dump persistence file in JSON format""" with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): with open(self.json_file(), 'w') as fh: json.dump(self.to_json(), fh, cls=self._json_dumper_, **kwargs)
def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>"%(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class CMLSimCollection(JSONSerializer): """Interface representing a collection of cases Implementations must implement :meth:`setup` that provides a concrete implementation of how the case is setup (either from a template or otherwise). Provides :meth:`prep`, :meth:`solve`, :meth:`post`, and :meth:`status` to interact with the collection as a whole. Prep, solve, and post can accept a list of shell-style wildcard patterns that will restrict the actions to matching cases only. """ def __init__(self, name, env=None, basedir=None): """ Args: name (str): Unique name for this parametric run env (CMLEnv): CML excution environment basedir (path): Path where analysis directory is created """ #: Unique name for this parametric collection of cases = name bdir = basedir or os.getcwd() #: Location where parametric run setup is located self.basedir = osutils.abspath(bdir) #: Location of the parametric run self.casedir = os.path.join(self.basedir, if osutils.path_exists(self.casedir): _lgr.error("Parametric run directory exists. Aborting") raise FileExistsError( "Cannot overwrite existing directory: %s"% self.casedir) self._nested_file_guard(self.basedir) #: CML execution environment self.env = env or cmlenv.cml_get_version() #: List of CMLSimulation instances self.cases = [] #: Names of cases self.case_names = []
[docs] @classmethod def simulation_class(cls): """Concrete instance of a Simulation Default is :class:`CMLSimulation` """ return CMLSimulation
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, env=None, casedir=None, json_file=None): """Reload a persisted analysis group Args: env (CMLEnv): Environment for the analysis casedir (path): Path to the case directory json_file (filename): Persistence information """ cdir = osutils.abspath(casedir) if casedir else os.getcwd() jfile = json_file or cls.json_file() jfile = osutils.abspath(os.path.join(cdir, jfile)) data = json.load(open(jfile), object_pairs_hook=CaelusDict) self = cls.__new__(cls) self.env = env or cmlenv.cml_get_version() self.casedir = cdir self.basedir = os.path.dirname(self.casedir) for k in self._json_public_: setattr(self, k, data.get(k, None)) self.cases = [ self.simulation_class().load( env=self.env, casedir=os.path.join(self.casedir, cname), parent=self) for cname in self.case_names ] return self
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def setup(self): """Logic to set up the analysis"""
[docs] def prep(self, cnames=None, force=False): """Run prep actions on the cases Args: cnames (list): Shell-style wildcard patterns force (bool): Force rerun """ cases = self.filter_cases(cnames) if cnames else self.cases for c in cases: c.prep_case(force=force) c.save_state()
[docs] def solve(self, cnames=None, force=False): """Run solve actions on the cases Args: cnames (list): Shell-style wildcard patterns force (bool): Force rerun """ cases = self.filter_cases(cnames) if cnames else self.cases for c in cases: c.solve(force=force) c.save_state()
[docs] def post(self, cnames=None, force=False): """Run post-processing tasks on the cases Args: cnames (list): Shell-style wildcard patterns force (bool): Force rerun """ cases = self.filter_cases(cnames) if cnames else self.cases for c in cases: c.post_case(force=force) c.save_state()
[docs] def status(self): """Return the status of the runs Yields: tuple: (name, status) for each case """ for c in self.cases: yield (, c.status())
[docs] def save_state(self, **kwargs): """Dump persistence file in JSON format""" with osutils.set_work_dir(self.casedir): with open(self.json_file(), 'w') as fh: json.dump(self.to_json(), fh, cls=self._json_dumper_, **kwargs) for c in self.cases: c.save_state(**kwargs)
[docs] def filter_cases(self, patterns): """Filter the cases based on a list of patterns The patterns are shell-style wildcard strings to match case directory names. Args: patterns (list): A list of one or more patterns """ casemap = CaelusDict(zip(self.case_names, self.cases)) for pat in patterns: cnames = casemap.keys() matches = fnmatch.filter(cnames, pat) for m in matches: c = casemap.pop(m) yield c
def _nested_file_guard(self, basedir): """Check for nested simulation collections""" fname = self.json_file() wdir = basedir parent = os.path.dirname(wdir) json_file = None while (parent != wdir): jfile = os.path.join(wdir, fname) if os.path.exists(jfile): json_file = jfile break wdir = parent parent = os.path.dirname(wdir) if json_file is not None: _lgr.error("Detected nested analysis directories. Aborting setup") raise FileExistsError("Refusing to create nested analysis directories") def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s (%d cases)>"%( self.__class__.__name__,, len(self.cases))