Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Job Scheduler Interface

This module provides a unified interface to submitting serial, local-MPI
parallel, and parallel jobs on high-performance computing (HPC) queues.

import sys
import os
import abc
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import logging
import textwrap
from collections import Mapping, OrderedDict
import six

from ..config import cmlenv
from ..config import config
from ..config.jinja2wrappers import CaelusTemplates
from ..utils import osutils

_lgr = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def caelus_execute(cmd, env=None, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr): """Execute a CML command with the right environment setup A wrapper around subprocess.Popen to set up the correct environment before invoing the CML executable. The command can either be a string or a list of arguments as appropriate for Caelus executables. Examples: caelus_execute("blockMesh -help") Args: cmd (str or list): The command to be executed env (CMLEnv): An instance representing the CML installation (default: latest) stdout: A file handle where standard output is redirected stderr: A file handle where standard error is redirected Returns: subprocess.Popen : The task instance """ renv = env or cmlenv.cml_get_latest_version() cmd_popen = cmd if isinstance(cmd, list) else shlex.split(cmd) _lgr.debug("Executing shell command: %s", ' '.join(cmd_popen)) task = subprocess.Popen( cmd_popen, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=renv.environ) return task
[docs]def python_execute(pyscript, script_args="", env=None, log_file=None, log_to_file=True): """Execute a python script with the right environment This function will setup the correct CPL and CML environment and execute the python script within this environment. The user should only provide the name of the script and not ``python script`` as this it is this functions job to detect the correct python executable and execute within that environment. If ``log_file`` isn't provided it automatically creates a "py_*.log" file to redirect output messages from the script where ``*`` is replaced with the basename of the python script. Args: pyscript (path): Filename of the python script script_args (str): Extra arguments to be passed to the python script env (CMLEnv): CML environment used for execution log_file (filename): Filename to redirect output to log_to_file (bool): Should outputs be redirected to log file Returns: status (int): The status of the execution """ spath = osutils.abspath(pyscript) if not log_file and log_to_file: _, sbase, _ = osutils.split_path(spath) log_file = "py_%s.log"%sbase pycmd = "%s %s %s"%(sys.executable, spath, script_args) fh = open(log_file, 'w') if log_file else sys.stdout task = caelus_execute(pycmd, env, fh, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) status = task.wait() if status != 0: _lgr.error("Python script %s failed; status = %d", spath, status) if log_file is not None: fh.close() return status
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class HPCQueue(): """Abstract base class for job submission interface Attributes: name (str): Job name queue (str): Queue/partition where job is submitted account (str): Account the job is charged to num_nodes (int): Number of nodes requested num_ranks (int): Number of MPI ranks stdout (path): Filename where standard out is redirected stderr (path): Filename where standard error is redirected join_outputs (bool): Merge stdout/stderr to same file mail_opts (str): Mail options (see specific queue implementation) email_address (str): Email address for notifications qos (str): Quality of service time_limit (str): Wall clock time limit shell (str): shell to use for scripts mpi_extra_args (str): additional arguments for MPI """ #: Variables to parse from configuration file _cpl_config_vars = ['name', 'queue', 'account', 'num_nodes', 'num_ranks', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'join_outputs', 'mail_opts', 'email_address', 'qos', 'time_limit', 'shell'] #: Identifier used for queue queue_name = "_ERROR_" #: Attribute to job scheduler option mapping _queue_var_map = {} #: Default values for attributes _queue_default_values = {}
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def submit(cls, script_file, job_dependencies=None, extra_args=None, dep_type=None): """Submit the job to the queue"""
[docs] @staticmethod @abc.abstractmethod def delete(job_id): """Delete a job from the queue"""
[docs] @staticmethod def is_parallel(): """Flag indicating whether the queue type can support parallel runs""" return True
[docs] @staticmethod def is_job_scheduler(): """Is this a job scheduler""" return True
def __init__(self, name, cml_env=None, **kwargs): """ Args: name (str): Name of the job cml_env (CMLEnv): Environment used for execution """ = name self.cml_env = cml_env = "/bin/bash" self.num_ranks = 1 self.env_config = "" self._has_script_body = False self._script_body = None cfg = config.get_config() opts = cfg.caelus.system.scheduler_defaults for key, val in self._queue_default_values.items(): setattr(self, key, val) for key, val in opts.items(): setattr(self, key, val) for key, val in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, val) def __repr__(self): return """<%s (%s)>"""%(self.__class__.__name__,
[docs] def write_script(self, script_name=None): """Write a submission script using the arguments provided Args: script_name (path): Name of the script file """ if not self._has_script_body: raise RuntimeError("Contents of script have not been initialized") fname = script_name or "%s_%s.job"%(, self.queue_name) qconf = self.get_queue_settings() tmpl = CaelusTemplates() tmpl.write_template(fname, "run/hpc_queue/hpc_queue.job.tmpl", job=self, queue_config=qconf) return fname
[docs] def update(self, settings): """Update queue settings from the given dictionary""" for key in self._cpl_config_vars: if key in settings: setattr(self, key, settings[key])
[docs] def process_run_env(self): """Populate the run variables for script""" env_cfg = """ # CAELUS environment updates export PROJECT_DIR=%s export CAELUS_PROJECT_DIR=${PROJECT_DIR} export PATH=%s:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} export MPI_BUFFER_SIZE=20000000 """ renv = self.cml_env or cmlenv.cml_get_latest_version() path_var = (renv.bin_dir + os.pathsep + renv.user_bindir + os.pathsep + renv.mpi_bindir) lib_var = (renv.lib_dir + os.pathsep + renv.user_libdir + os.pathsep + renv.mpi_libdir) self.env_config = textwrap.dedent(env_cfg)%( renv.project_dir, path_var, lib_var)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_queue_settings(self): """Return a string with all the necessary queue options"""
[docs] def prepare_mpi_cmd(self): """Prepare the MPI invocation""" num_mpi_ranks = getattr(self, "num_ranks", 1) cmd_tmpl = ("mpiexec -localonly %d " if osutils.ostype() == "windows" else "mpiexec -np %d ") mpi_cmd = cmd_tmpl%num_mpi_ranks return mpi_cmd + getattr(self, "mpi_extra_args", "")
@abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Submit job to scheduler""" @property def script_body(self): """The contents of the script submitted to scheduler""" return self._script_body @script_body.setter def script_body(self, value): self._script_body = value self._has_script_body = True
[docs]class SerialJob(HPCQueue): """Interface to a serial job""" queue_name = "serial_job"
[docs] @classmethod def submit(cls, script_file, job_dependencies=None, extra_args=None): """Submit the job to the queue""" task = subprocess.Popen(script_file) status = task.wait() if status != 0: _lgr.error("Error executing script %s", script_file) return status
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(job_id): """Delete a job from the queue""" pass
[docs] @staticmethod def is_parallel(): """Flag indicating whether the queue type can support parallel runs""" return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_job_scheduler(): """Flag indicating whether this is a job scheduler""" return False
[docs] def get_queue_settings(self): """Return queue settings""" return ""
[docs] def prepare_mpi_cmd(self): """Prepare the MPI invocation""" return ""
def __call__(self, **kwargs): wait = kwargs.get("wait", True) if not self._has_script_body: raise RuntimeError("Invalid command for execution") cmdline = self.script_body outfile = getattr(self, "stdout", "%s.log" with open(outfile, 'w') as fh: task = caelus_execute( cmdline, env=self.cml_env, stdout=fh, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) self.task = task # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init if wait: status = task.wait() if status != 0: _lgr.error("Error running command: %s", cmdline) return status
[docs]class ParallelJob(SerialJob): """Interface to a parallel job""" queue_name = "parallel_job"
[docs] @staticmethod def is_parallel(): """Flag indicating whether the queue type can support parallel runs""" return True
[docs] def prepare_mpi_cmd(self): """Prepare the MPI invocation""" num_mpi_ranks = getattr(self, "num_ranks", 1) machinefile = getattr(self, "machinefile", None) cmd_tmpl = ("mpiexec -localonly %d " if osutils.ostype() == "windows" else "mpiexec -np %d ") mpi_cmd = cmd_tmpl%num_mpi_ranks if machinefile: mpi_cmd += mpi_cmd + " -machinefile %s "%machinefile return mpi_cmd + getattr(self, "mpi_extra_args", "")
[docs]class SlurmQueue(HPCQueue): """Interface to SLURM queue manager""" queue_name = "slurm" _queue_var_map = OrderedDict( name="job-name", queue="partition", account="account", num_nodes="nodes", num_ranks="ntasks", stdout="output", stderr="error", mail_opts="mail-type", email_address="mail-user", qos="qos", time_limit="time", dependencies="depend", licenses="licenses", features="constraint" ) _queue_default_values = dict( stdout="job-%x-%J.out", mail_opts="NONE", shell="/bin/bash" ) _batch_job_regex = re.compile(r"Submitted batch job (\d+)")
[docs] @classmethod def submit(cls, script_file, job_dependencies=None, extra_args=None, dep_type="afterok"): """Submit to SLURM using sbatch command ``job_dependencies`` is a list of SLURM job IDs. The submitted job will not run until after all the jobs provided in this list have been completed successfully. ``extra_args`` is a dictionary of extra arguments to be passed to ``sbatch`` command. Note that this can override options provided in the script file as well as introduce additional options during submission. ``dep_type`` can be one of: after, afterok, afternotok afterany The job ID returned by this method can be used as an argument to delete method or as an entry in ``job_dependencies`` for a subsequent job submission. Args: script_file (path): Script provided to sbatch command job_dependencies (list): List of jobs to wait for extra_args (dict): Extra SLURM arguments dep_type (str): Dependency type Returns: str: Job ID as a string """ depends_arg = "" if job_dependencies: depends_arg = ( "--depend afterok:" + ":".join("%s"%i for i in job_dependencies)) slurm_args = "" if isinstance(extra_args, Mapping): slurm_args = " ".join( "--%s %s"%(cls._queue_var_map.get(key, key), val) for key, val in extra_args.items()) elif extra_args is not None: slurm_args = extra_args sbatch_cmd = "sbatch %s %s %s"%( depends_arg, slurm_args, script_file) cmd_line = shlex.split(sbatch_cmd) _lgr.debug("Executing SLURM sbatch command: %s", sbatch_cmd) pp = subprocess.Popen( cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pp.communicate() job_id_match ='utf-8')) if err or not job_id_match: raise RuntimeError("Error submitting job: '%s'"%sbatch_cmd) job_id = return job_id
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(job_id): """Delete the SLURM batch job using job ID""" scancel_cmd = "scancel %s"%job_id cmd_line = shlex.split(scancel_cmd) _lgr.debug("Executing SLURM scancel command: %s", scancel_cmd) pp = subprocess.Popen( cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pp.communicate() if out: _lgr.debug("scancel output: %s", out) if err: _lgr.debug("Error executing scancel: %s", err)
def __init__(self, name, cml_env=None, **kwargs): """ Args: name (str): Name of the job cml_env (CMLEnv): Environment used for execution """ super(SlurmQueue, self).__init__(name, cml_env, **kwargs) cfg = config.get_config() opts = cfg.caelus.system use_mpiexec = opts.get("slurm_use_mpiexec", True) if not use_mpiexec: self.prepare_mpi_cmd = self.prepare_srun_cmd
[docs] def get_queue_settings(self): """Return all SBATCH options suitable for embedding in script""" qopts = "\n".join( "#SBATCH --%s %s"%(val, getattr(self, key)) for key, val in self._queue_var_map.items() if hasattr(self, key)) header = "\n# SLURM options\n" return header + qopts + "\n"
[docs] def prepare_srun_cmd(self): """Prepare the call to SLURM srun command""" return "srun --ntasks ${SLURM_NTASKS} " + getattr( self, "mpi_extra_args", "")
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Submit the job""" script_file = kwargs.get("script_file", None) job_deps = kwargs.get("job_dependencies", None) extra_args = kwargs.get("extra_args", None) if not self._has_script_body: raise RuntimeError( "Script contents have not been set before submit") self.process_run_env() script_file = self.write_script(script_file) return self.submit(script_file, job_deps, extra_args)
[docs]class PBSQueue(HPCQueue): """PBS Queue Interface""" queue_name = "pbs" _queue_var_map = OrderedDict( name="-N ", queue="-q ", account="-A ", num_nodes="-l nodes=", stdout="-o ", stderr="-e ", join_outputs="-j ", mail_opts="-m ", email_address="-M ", time_limit="-l walltime=", ) _default_queue_vaues = dict( stdout="job-$PBS_JOBNAME-$PBS_JOBID.out", join_outputs="oe", shell="/bin/bash", ) _batch_job_regex = re.compile(r"(\d+)")
[docs] @classmethod def submit(cls, script_file, job_dependencies=None, extra_args=None, dep_type="afterok"): """Submit a PBS job using qsub command ``job_dependencies`` is a list of PBS job IDs. The submitted job will run depending the status of the dependencies. ``extra_args`` is a dictionary of arguments passed to ``qsub`` command. The job ID returned by this method can be used as an argument to delete method or as an entry in ``job_dependencies`` for a subsequent job submission. Args: script_file (path): Script provided to sbatch command job_dependencies (list): List of jobs to wait for extra_args (dict): Extra SLURM arguments Returns: str: Job ID as a string """ depends_arg = "" if job_dependencies: depends_arg = ( "-W depend=%s:"%dep_type + ":".join("%s"%i for i in job_dependencies)) qsub_args = extra_args or "" qsub_cmd = "qsub %s %s %s"%( depends_arg, qsub_args, script_file) cmd_line = shlex.split(qsub_cmd) _lgr.debug("Executing PBS qsub command: %s", qsub_cmd) pp = subprocess.Popen( cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pp.communicate() job_id_match ='utf-8')) if err or not job_id_match: raise RuntimeError("Error submitting job: '%s'"%qsub_cmd) job_id = return job_id
[docs] @staticmethod def delete(job_id): """Delete the PBS batch job using job ID""" qdel_cmd = "qdel %s"%job_id cmd_line = shlex.split(qdel_cmd) _lgr.debug("Executing PBS qdel command: %s", qdel_cmd) pp = subprocess.Popen( cmd_line, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = pp.communicate() if out: _lgr.debug("qdel output: %s", out) if err: _lgr.debug("Error executing qdel: %s", err)
[docs] def get_queue_settings(self): """Return all PBS options suitable for embedding in script""" qopts = "\n".join( "#PBS %s%s"%(val, getattr(self, key)) for key, val in self._queue_var_map.items() if hasattr(self, key)) header = "\n# PBS Queue options\n" return header + qopts + "\n"
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Submit the job""" script_file = kwargs.get("script_file", None) job_deps = kwargs.get("job_dependencies", None) extra_args = kwargs.get("extra_args", None) if not self._has_script_body: raise RuntimeError( "Script contents have not been set before submit") self.process_run_env() script_file = self.write_script(script_file) return self.submit(script_file, job_deps, extra_args)
_hpc_queue_map = dict( no_mpi=SerialJob, local_mpi=ParallelJob, slurm=SlurmQueue, pbs=PBSQueue, )
[docs]def get_job_scheduler(queue_type=None): """Return an instance of the job scheduler""" cfg = config.get_config() cfg_queue_type = cfg.caelus.system.get("job_scheduler", 'local_mpi') qtype = queue_type or cfg_queue_type return _hpc_queue_map.get(qtype.lower(), ParallelJob)